The counterforce of
your body is all it takes

When you move, it adapts.

When you apply pressure, it responds.

days to get results
minutes daily usage
percent overall pain relief


the most comfortable
prayer technology ever

introduce the world's first
physiological prayer mat

  • check reduce pain
  • check improve posture
  • check boost energy

the TIMEZ5 prayer mat is a 5 layer system designed to help relieve pain, improve posture and boost energy giving total comfort while praying

  • microfibersoft, cool & hygienic surface
  • weight absorbtionadsorbs body pain
  • trasnfer gridmanages absortopn and bearing
  • weight bearingprevents ground resistance
  • microgripprevents slippage and movement



protects your
respiratory system

while praying from the spread of
airborne inflections, and diseases 

the Cronogenic technology protects your
respiratory system by disinfecting and protecting
against fungus, dust and bacteria


experience the difference

once you start using a TIMEZ5
prayer mat you'll never go back.

  • pain releif
  • posture support
  • anti-slip
  • ?antimicrobial surface
  • ?prayer time data
  • ?warranty
  • fabric

    prayer mats


    this is what you have
    been using all your life

  • pain releifx
  • posture supportx
  • anti-slipx
  • ?antimicrobial surfacex
  • ?prayer time datax
  • ?warrantyx
  • padded

    prayer mats


    here is what you were
    made to believe will help

  • pain releifx
  • posture supportx
  • anti-slipx
  • ?antimicrobial surfacex
  • ?prayer time datax
  • ?warrantyx
  • TIMEZ5

    prayer mats


    and this is what
    actually gets results

  • pain releifx
  • posture supportx
  • anti-slipx
  • ?antimicrobial surfacex
  • ?prayer time datax
  • ?warrantyone year


originally used to go to the
moon, now here to get you
closer to heaven

  • Ahmed

    "The TIMEZ5 prayer mat is an excellent mothers gift. It has helped my mother relieve her knee pain from our hard floors at home."

    -- Ahmed

  • Farah

    "When I use the TIMEZ5 prayer rug I never rush to complete my prayers. It also helps my mother have a more comfortable experience."

    -- Farah

  • Haneen

    "I saw how my father was suffering with back pain for years. I got it for him as a fathers gift for his birthday and he has never suffered again."

    -- Haneen

  • Sabahat

    "The TIMEZ5 prayer mat relieves my spinal disc pain and helped my mother prostrate after a surgery that prevented her from praying."

    -- Sabahat

  • Sabahat

    "I was searching for a unique Islamic gift for my mother as her praying timings are always on time and she suffered form knee pain"

    -- Amira